Arab Trade Union Confederation Call on Port Workers to Boycott Israeli Shipping

Arab Trade Union Confederation Call on Port Workers to Boycott Israeli Shipping
Reported by Wafa News Agency in Arabic:
The General Council of the Arab Trade Union Confederation called for an end to the bloody Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and to organize simultaneous international solidarity activities, under the unified title “Freedom for Palestine,” on the occasion of the Trade Union Day of Solidarity with the Workers and People of Palestine on November 29. 2023.
The Council also called, during its fourteenth session in the Tunisian capital, the Secretary-General of the International Trade Union Confederation, and the Secretaries-General of international sectoral trade union organizations, to send a collective message to the Secretary of the United Nations, and to demand that he bear the responsibility of activating all resolutions of international legitimacy related to justice for the Palestinian people and determining the list of investing and financing companies. colonies and activate all decisions related to their boycott.
The Council urged shipping and docking workers to boycott the loading of equipment, weapons, and materials destined for the Israeli occupation state.
The participants in the Council session denounced the brutal massacres committed by the Israeli occupation army against Palestinian civilians, and called on the international community to pressure the occupying state to adhere to international agreements and the rules of war, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 for the Protection of Civilians.
They also called for lifting the cover provided by the international community to the occupying state by continuing its silence, and declaring its clear rejection of the organized Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people that have continued for 70 years.
In its final statement, the General Council stressed its loyalty to the principles of the International Federation of Trade Unions based on deepening patterns and forms of solidarity between workers and peoples, especially the oppressed.
Reported by Wafa News Agency in Arabic:
The General Council of the Arab Trade Union Confederation called for an end to the bloody Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and to organize simultaneous international solidarity activities, under the unified title “Freedom for Palestine,” on the occasion of the Trade Union Day of Solidarity with the Workers and People of Palestine on November 29. 2023.
The Council also called, during its fourteenth session in the Tunisian capital, the Secretary-General of the International Trade Union Confederation, and the Secretaries-General of international sectoral trade union organizations, to send a collective message to the Secretary of the United Nations, and to demand that he bear the responsibility of activating all resolutions of international legitimacy related to justice for the Palestinian people and determining the list of investing and financing companies. colonies and activate all decisions related to their boycott.
The Council urged shipping and docking workers to boycott the loading of equipment, weapons, and materials destined for the Israeli occupation state.
The participants in the Council session denounced the brutal massacres committed by the Israeli occupation army against Palestinian civilians, and called on the international community to pressure the occupying state to adhere to international agreements and the rules of war, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 for the Protection of Civilians.
They also called for lifting the cover provided by the international community to the occupying state by continuing its silence, and declaring its clear rejection of the organized Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people that have continued for 70 years.
In its final statement, the General Council stressed its loyalty to the principles of the International Federation of Trade Unions based on deepening patterns and forms of solidarity between workers and peoples, especially the oppressed.