
Greek Sailors Union Call on Government to Refuse Harbour to Tanker Carrying Military Jet Fuel to Israel

August 12, 2024

Greek Sailors Union Call on Government to Refuse Harbour to Tanker Carrying Military Jet Fuel to Israel

August 12, 2024

The Panhellenic Union of Merchant Marine Sailors (PENEN), the largest union of sailors at Pireaus port in Athens, Greece, have mobilised to refuse complicity in Israeli war crimes by demanding that the Greek government and port authorities deny harbour two tankers providing jet fuel to Israel. The action was part of the No Harbour for Genocide campaign that mobilised actions across the Mediterranean to deny Harbour to the Overseas Santorini and Overseas Suncoast, both of which deliver military grade jet fuel used in the Israeli warplanes raining down death and destruction on the people of Gaza.

On August 12, PENEN issued a statement, that can be read here in full, or below in English. This was followed by a protest on August 13, called for by the Pireaus Labour centre that saw a large mobilisation of workers for Palestine.

Urgent call for action against ships carrying fuel for Israel in genocidal war on Gaza

Written by PENEN

As we reported since 6/8/2024 the two ships "Overseas Santorini" and "Overseas Sun Coast" have been supplying military fuel to Israel's F16 & F35 warplanes bombing Gaza, in the context of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Each of them carries 300,000 barrels of military-grade jet fuel, enough to refuel an F-16 fighter jet about 12,000 times.

Spain, Gibraltar and Malta have successively refused to supply these ships. All 3 countries have responded to international appeals and have taken care to avoid the possibility of being brought before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, accused of complicity in the genocide carried out by Israel against Gaza.

According to the Global Energy Embargo for Palestine both "Overseas Santorini" and "Overseas Sun Coast" are now in Greece!

The two ships are at the anchorage of Piraeus, without having tied up at the port yet!

International legal experts have warned Greece not to allow the two ships to enter the waters or dock at Greek ports, as there is a chance Greece could be brought before the International Court of Justice as an accomplice in Israel's genocide against Gaza.

The Panhellenic Union of Merchant Mariners (PENEN) calls on the Greek government to avoid complicity in a serious violation of international law and to immediately declare that both "Overseas Santorini" and "Overseas Sun Coast" are unwelcome in Greek territorial waters and to refuse to supply the ships.

PENEN also calls on the Greek political parties that are on the side of the Palestinian people to intervene immediately in order to frustrate any effort and action of the government to supply these ships.

We call on the Management of the Piraeus Labor Center, the unions in the port and more broadly in Attica, the local popular bodies and the Palestinian people's solidarity movement to immediately organize our intervention to prevent their approach, supply and any facilitation for the two ships that carry fuel to the genocidal war waged by the murderous state in Gaza and all the university lands.

The Panhellenic Union of Merchant Marine Sailors (PENEN), the largest union of sailors at Pireaus port in Athens, Greece, have mobilised to refuse complicity in Israeli war crimes by demanding that the Greek government and port authorities deny harbour two tankers providing jet fuel to Israel. The action was part of the No Harbour for Genocide campaign that mobilised actions across the Mediterranean to deny Harbour to the Overseas Santorini and Overseas Suncoast, both of which deliver military grade jet fuel used in the Israeli warplanes raining down death and destruction on the people of Gaza.

On August 12, PENEN issued a statement, that can be read here in full, or below in English. This was followed by a protest on August 13, called for by the Pireaus Labour centre that saw a large mobilisation of workers for Palestine.

Urgent call for action against ships carrying fuel for Israel in genocidal war on Gaza

Written by PENEN

As we reported since 6/8/2024 the two ships "Overseas Santorini" and "Overseas Sun Coast" have been supplying military fuel to Israel's F16 & F35 warplanes bombing Gaza, in the context of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Each of them carries 300,000 barrels of military-grade jet fuel, enough to refuel an F-16 fighter jet about 12,000 times.

Spain, Gibraltar and Malta have successively refused to supply these ships. All 3 countries have responded to international appeals and have taken care to avoid the possibility of being brought before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, accused of complicity in the genocide carried out by Israel against Gaza.

According to the Global Energy Embargo for Palestine both "Overseas Santorini" and "Overseas Sun Coast" are now in Greece!

The two ships are at the anchorage of Piraeus, without having tied up at the port yet!

International legal experts have warned Greece not to allow the two ships to enter the waters or dock at Greek ports, as there is a chance Greece could be brought before the International Court of Justice as an accomplice in Israel's genocide against Gaza.

The Panhellenic Union of Merchant Mariners (PENEN) calls on the Greek government to avoid complicity in a serious violation of international law and to immediately declare that both "Overseas Santorini" and "Overseas Sun Coast" are unwelcome in Greek territorial waters and to refuse to supply the ships.

PENEN also calls on the Greek political parties that are on the side of the Palestinian people to intervene immediately in order to frustrate any effort and action of the government to supply these ships.

We call on the Management of the Piraeus Labor Center, the unions in the port and more broadly in Attica, the local popular bodies and the Palestinian people's solidarity movement to immediately organize our intervention to prevent their approach, supply and any facilitation for the two ships that carry fuel to the genocidal war waged by the murderous state in Gaza and all the university lands.

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