PRESS RELEASE: Palestinian Trade Unions Applaud Global Day of Action to Halt Arms Trade with Israel

PRESS RELEASE: Palestinian Trade Unions Applaud Global Day of Action to Halt Arms Trade with Israel
Palestinian Trade Unions Applaud Global Day of Action to Halt Arms Trade with Israel
Trade unions around the world are today taking action within their workplaces in order to halt arms shipments to Israel, and contribute to the escalating global demand for a ceasefire in Gaza. Today’s actions are in response to the Palestinian trade union call for Global Days of Action, on November 9-10. This initiative seeks to address the urgent need to stop the flow of arms that perpetuate Israel’s war crimes.
Actions have been undertaken or are planned for later today in locations around the world, information will be available on the Workers in Palestine social media channels below.
“Palestinian workers have been on the front lines in Gaza, saving lives and rescuing communities amidst relentless bombardment and ongoing Israeli war crimes. As we continue to carry out our duties, we extend our heartfelt salute to those who are taking action and working tirelessly to halt the arms trade with Israel.” said Samira A.A. Hasanain, member of the General Union of Public Service Workers and Trade - Gaza (GUPSWT) and board member of the General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW).
This international show of solidarity with Palestinians includes student walkouts and calls to end university complicity with Israeli arms companies. Actions have been focused both directly at arms factories as well as those undertaken by transport workers refusing to deliver those arms.
In response to the Days of Action, Kayed Awad, secretary-general of the Palestinian Transport Workers Union stated: “We salute dockworkers in Barcelona, Genoa, and transport workers in Belgium for their refusal to transport and handle weapons used to commit war crimes in Gaza, and call on all unions who stand for freedom and justice to do the same. Unions have the power to influence and disrupt the arms trade and ongoing war crimes in Gaza. Long live the working class”.
"Palestinian unions thank all those participating in the November 9-10 days of action to end the arms trade with Israel. Every group blocking an arms factory or picketing an arms shipment – are taking a vital step to save lives.” said Nadia Habash, Chairwoman of the Engineering Association in Palestine.
For more information on actions or media inquiries, please follow our social media updates and website, or contact:
Workers in Palestine
Palestinian Trade Unions Applaud Global Day of Action to Halt Arms Trade with Israel
Trade unions around the world are today taking action within their workplaces in order to halt arms shipments to Israel, and contribute to the escalating global demand for a ceasefire in Gaza. Today’s actions are in response to the Palestinian trade union call for Global Days of Action, on November 9-10. This initiative seeks to address the urgent need to stop the flow of arms that perpetuate Israel’s war crimes.
Actions have been undertaken or are planned for later today in locations around the world, information will be available on the Workers in Palestine social media channels below.
“Palestinian workers have been on the front lines in Gaza, saving lives and rescuing communities amidst relentless bombardment and ongoing Israeli war crimes. As we continue to carry out our duties, we extend our heartfelt salute to those who are taking action and working tirelessly to halt the arms trade with Israel.” said Samira A.A. Hasanain, member of the General Union of Public Service Workers and Trade - Gaza (GUPSWT) and board member of the General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW).
This international show of solidarity with Palestinians includes student walkouts and calls to end university complicity with Israeli arms companies. Actions have been focused both directly at arms factories as well as those undertaken by transport workers refusing to deliver those arms.
In response to the Days of Action, Kayed Awad, secretary-general of the Palestinian Transport Workers Union stated: “We salute dockworkers in Barcelona, Genoa, and transport workers in Belgium for their refusal to transport and handle weapons used to commit war crimes in Gaza, and call on all unions who stand for freedom and justice to do the same. Unions have the power to influence and disrupt the arms trade and ongoing war crimes in Gaza. Long live the working class”.
"Palestinian unions thank all those participating in the November 9-10 days of action to end the arms trade with Israel. Every group blocking an arms factory or picketing an arms shipment – are taking a vital step to save lives.” said Nadia Habash, Chairwoman of the Engineering Association in Palestine.
For more information on actions or media inquiries, please follow our social media updates and website, or contact:
Workers in Palestine