Union of Agricultural Work Committees in Palestine Extends Solidarity to Student Movement

Union of Agricultural Work Committees in Palestine Extends Solidarity to Student Movement
To the student and youth movements:
The Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) in Palestine extends our deepest solidarity to you, the revolutionary youth who are changing the world. We write to you from Palestine to tell you that your actions are resonating across oceans. In you, we see the echoes of our struggle, the echoes of our resistance, and the echoes of our hope.
We affirm that your courageous protests, occupation of universities, and of defiance against systems of oppression are not merely symbolic gestures; they are seismic shifts in the struggle for collective liberation. With unyielding determination and principled action, you have ignited a flame of hope that illuminates the path towards a just future, not only for Palestine but for all who struggle for freedom.
We, Palestinian fellaheen (farmers and peasants), thank you as we remain steadfast on our land, facing daily struggles against settler colonialism and imperialism. In Gaza, our farmland, water systems, and entire infrastructure for self-sustenance has been destroyed by the Israeli occupation. In the West Bank, we are facing unprecedented levels of Israeli settler violence, land theft, and Israeli occupation-imposed restrictions on accessing our land. In all of historic Palestine, our land awaits our return and care. We support your resistance against your universities and all actors complicit in the Israeli settler colonial occupation of Palestine.
Your unwavering commitment, principled solidarity, and joint struggle assures us that the movement for liberation knows no borders and is only growing. Know that as you raise your voices, you do not stand alone. With deep respect, UAWC stands with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), and all of the global movements for justice. From Cal Poly Humboldt to GWU, from Columbia to UT Austin, from McGill to Valencia to Tokyo, our struggle is one, and our liberation is collective.
Thank you for standing with us. Hand in hand, in spirit and in struggle, we stand with you too.
With revolutionary fervor and unyielding solidarity,
Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Palestine
To the student and youth movements:
The Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) in Palestine extends our deepest solidarity to you, the revolutionary youth who are changing the world. We write to you from Palestine to tell you that your actions are resonating across oceans. In you, we see the echoes of our struggle, the echoes of our resistance, and the echoes of our hope.
We affirm that your courageous protests, occupation of universities, and of defiance against systems of oppression are not merely symbolic gestures; they are seismic shifts in the struggle for collective liberation. With unyielding determination and principled action, you have ignited a flame of hope that illuminates the path towards a just future, not only for Palestine but for all who struggle for freedom.
We, Palestinian fellaheen (farmers and peasants), thank you as we remain steadfast on our land, facing daily struggles against settler colonialism and imperialism. In Gaza, our farmland, water systems, and entire infrastructure for self-sustenance has been destroyed by the Israeli occupation. In the West Bank, we are facing unprecedented levels of Israeli settler violence, land theft, and Israeli occupation-imposed restrictions on accessing our land. In all of historic Palestine, our land awaits our return and care. We support your resistance against your universities and all actors complicit in the Israeli settler colonial occupation of Palestine.
Your unwavering commitment, principled solidarity, and joint struggle assures us that the movement for liberation knows no borders and is only growing. Know that as you raise your voices, you do not stand alone. With deep respect, UAWC stands with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), and all of the global movements for justice. From Cal Poly Humboldt to GWU, from Columbia to UT Austin, from McGill to Valencia to Tokyo, our struggle is one, and our liberation is collective.
Thank you for standing with us. Hand in hand, in spirit and in struggle, we stand with you too.
With revolutionary fervor and unyielding solidarity,
Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Palestine